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What is Git and GitHub?

Git: Locally creates a repository for your files and folders and provides version controls and makes it easy to restore the previous version in case you make a mistake by using these versions as backup. By creating Git branches, you can create copies of your main version, assign assignments to other people, create branches belonging to these people and include them in the main version in case they do not conflict with the main version, or after the conflict is resolved. There are 2 different versions of Git software: Git Bash and Git GUI.

1.) Git Bash: Console version of Git software. We can do various operations using Git and GitHub commands.

2.) Git GUI: It is a visual based Git software developed for those who want to write Git software.

GitHub: Sends your local repository you created in Git over the internet. If you want, it also allows you to share your (remote) storage on the internet with anyone. If you share your GitHub repository with everyone, other people can help you with your project without any limit, and send their own codes to your GitHub account from the internet. You can also download these code files to your local repository and try these codes on your own computer.

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